Hugo TCane (Ynvictus del CorsoClub)


News TCane

Hugo TCane (Ynvictus del CorsoClub), 3 times Best of the Breed in the Santos Kennel Clube: 43rd, 44th and 45th Expos Panamericana (Judges: Andrea Blumen, Alberto Thiers e Luiz Alexandre, respectively. TCane: producing and forming champions!

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Quanta: #2 BISS

Specialized Expo, Kenel Clube SP: Young Quanta TCane (Wilma - Ynvicta del CorsoClub / Multi Ch. Hulk Hogan dell’Impero Maya): ...

Zuzu TCane

Kennel Cub of Rio de Janeiro State: Zuzu TCane (Noemi degli Elmi and Multi Ch. Hulk Hogan dell’Impero Maya), 1xBest Young ...

Quincy at Americas & Caribbean 2018

Specialized America & Caribbean, Fortaleza, Brazil: Quincy TCane (Wilma - Ynvicta del CorsoClub / Hulk Hogan dell’Impero ...

Quanta at Americas & Caribbean 2018

The Young Princess of the Americas: Quanta TCane, daughter of the greatest star Wilma (Ynvicta del CorsoClub) and Emperor ...

Zuzu at Americas & Caribbean 2018

The Puppy of the Americas: Zuzu TCane, daughter of Noemi Degli Elmi and Emperor Hulk Hogan dell’Impero Maya. The best puppy ...

Quincy at BKC

Brazil Kennel Club (Rio de Janeiro): Quincy TCane (Wilma - Ynvicta del CorsoClub / Hulk Hogan Dell’Impero Maya): ...