Hulk Hogan Dell'Impero Maya in Brasil!


News TCane

The World Vice-Champion of 2015, Hulk Hogan Dell’Impero Maya in Brazil! Firm in its purpose of improving the Cane Corso breed, TCane brings to Brazil the Multi Champion Hulk Hogan Dell’Impero Maya. During his stay at TCane, special matings will be made with TCane premiun female dogs. The TCane family thanks the friends Morena Mazzotti and Andrea Corbara for their trust. TCane: Producing and Forming Champions! Contact: 55 11 999086905 Jose Talarico

Multi Ch. Hulk Hogan Dell’Impero Maya
(Ch. riproduttore Oregon degli Elmi x Chanel dell’impero Maya)
Vice World Champion Milano 2015
Italian Champion
Campione Sociale 2016
San Marino Champion
Champion Foreign
Young Promise Enci
Young Champion San Marino
Player Selected
Cal 2

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